Congratulations, you’ve taken the first step on the journey to a better you!

Journey 1

A focus on a relationship with yourself will include, depending on your personal roadblocks, these steps:

  • Assess your Emotional Intelligence (EI) level and identify potential areas for further development by using the best available psychometric assessments, EQi-2 and EQ360. In order to make our coaching more effective we need the baseline data these assessments provide.

  • Collect constructive feedback from others and evaluate your self-awareness, self-expression, reality testing, impulse control, assertiveness, flexibility, problem solving, space of choice and other EI skills so we can generate a set of inspiring powerful S.M.A.R.T. goals for our coaching journey.

  • Examine your internal motivation and the six logical levels of change in order to design a change plan that will be in alignment with your values and purpose in life. “Walking your purpose” is the art of living by your own set of values.

  • Develop a human-centered leadership communication style with a focus on transformational listening instead of transient or transactional ones. Do this by learning to be aware of your own emotional state and practicing your own emotional data decoding. Every time you use your EI skills, you deposit into your own emotional capital account.

  • Identify your limiting beliefs and their negative self-talks to reframe them with enabling and positive ones. Our beliefs are not real facts, but we give them the power to drive our lives. Thus, choose your navigation system with acute awareness and be sure that you are selecting the most appropriate and courageous one.

  • discover your habitual patterns, discard the ones not serving you, keep the best and design new ones where needed. By doing that you can objectively evaluate your current operating system, identify its glitches, and implement corrections. Changing and unlearning old behavioral habits is more difficult than leaning new ones. Be ready to go through the old habit “resistance zone.”

  • Find inspiration in becoming the best version of yourself and create a road map that will assist you in realizing your Place of Choice, i.e., fulfilled life. By identifying your unhappiness triggers and finding their remedies, you can create a positive inspiring force in your own life, which will be filled with milestones that were unachievable before we began our coaching journey together.

Journey 2

Unlock your career potential by aligning with your “why” and your values:

  • Assess your career accomplishments and your strengths.

  • Identify possible areas where the imposter syndrome or other negative thinking patterns are showing up in your professional and personal lives.

  • Analyze your behavioral habits resulting from your limiting beliefs and set goals for yourself by using a growth mindset and moving to a “there is no box” attitude.

  • Choose the career type you want to be: a ladder, an expert or “a corkscrew”.

  • Identify a useful principle to navigate by so as to stay on course and remain aligned with your values and purpose in your chosen career field.

  • Create two internal and external personal branding goals which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.

  • Implement changes to go from being the world’s best kept secret to becoming a gift to the world by retaking the psychometrical assessments (EQi-2 and EQ 360) in order to measure your boosted emotional intelligence.

Journey 3

Focus on your relationship with others and your impact in the world:

  • Assess your dominant level of relationships with others, your awareness archetype, “drama triangle” roles and behavioral patterns.

  • Evaluate your intrapersonal flexibility, decision-making, stress management, optimism, Place of Choice and other EI skills and compose a set of inspiring powerful goals for our coaching journey.

  • Learn about transactional, positional, and transformational communication styles in order to craft your unique communication approach.

  • Evoke your genius with four progressive leadership qualities: innovation, vision, authenticity and coaching others.

  • Discover the wisdom of your future self, identify, and connect it with your “why.”

  • Unwrap your presence to become the best version of yourself/new identity and create your unique road map to reach this identity.

  • Connect your new identity to your purpose in life and your mark you want to leave in the world.

See what a session is like

Here is an example of one of my coaching sessions with a client who is creative, resourceful, and whole. This is a client for whom “goals are dreams with expiration dates.” You can go as far as you want!

Svetlana Whitener in front of a bookcase

Let’s start your journey together today!

This is not the typical coaching you might receive elsewhere. This is unique coaching with a focus on the soft skills and self-awareness that will accelerate your progress and all but guarantee success, regardless of your professional field and endeavors.

  • Working with me, you will discover that you already have all the answers. You may not know that, but I will guide you to see that your natural creativity and resourcefulness can be relied upon to carry you much further than you might have dreamed.

  • Learning about your habitual behavioral patterns, whether they are passive or aggressive, is often all that’s needed either to either reinforce them or to abandon them by replacing your negative self-talk with positive affirmations and reframing your limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

  • Inside yourself, you already have some awareness of the motivators you need to become a better leader, develop your relationships, boost your confidence, and find your ideal career. Once we unlock this door, your purpose in life will come shining through!

  • Having found me, you may already be experiencing the sensation of being on the right track. Now by following up, you will quickly see that things will become easier and more straightforward. Part of that follow-up will be to learn how to stay motivated and decode your emotional data. You will learn to regularly deposit into an emotional capital account, and get a healthy dose of optimism, commitment, and inspiration.

    Your life-changing opportunity is here (click below). Talk to you soon!

For a 30-minute NO obligation chat or send me a message and I’ll share my Three Shifts Coaching Model with YOU

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have chosen to offer Emotional Intelligence (EI) coaching because I know that if you want to be your authentic self and feel fulfilled in life, you will need the motivation and skills to take you all the way. EI gives you the most consistent and effective way forward by helping you align with your values and focus on your true potential.

    EI will not only help you to be more authentic, resourceful and creative, will also help you understand and effectively navigate the feelings, thoughts and motivations of all those around you.

    Your EI is the foundation for everything else in your life. If you can get that base right, the rest will slide steadily into place.

  • I believe that EI coaching can significantly enhance your personal development. I know it can give you the skills and motivation to maximize your effectiveness and reach your goals more quickly. It can do that because it will enable you to:

    • objectively assess your skills and abilities

    • reflect on your overarching goals and connect them to your values

    • set more immediate objectives and avoid pitfalls

    • use emotional data (yours and others' emotional reactions) meaningfully and effectively in decision-making and relationship development

    Striving to be the best you can be through personal EI coaching leads to a deeply fulfilling life and the development of impactful behaviors and motivational habits. All this will allow you to excel in your personal development and enhance your career and relationships every day of your life.

    By focusing on your EI, a coach will equip you to deal with the emotional states of yourself and others, decrease intrinsic lethargy and ineffective leadership performance, and increase your self-confidence and self-efficacy. It will also teach you how to handle ambiguous problems and challenging relationship conflicts, reframe your limiting beliefs and recurring negative self-talks, and replace old ineffective habits and passive behavioral patterns with new, more constructive ones.

  • Your IQ refers to your Intelligence Quotient and deals with intelligence only in terms of brain power. Although valuable for many purposes, it lacks depth because there are different kinds of intelligence and IQ does not take into account the ability to work with people. Whether you are working in an office with your colleagues, leading a team, overseeing a project, or working directly with customers, you are interacting with others and need to know your Emotional Quotient (EQ) which measures your EI.

    EI refers to emotional and social skills, which affect:

    • the way we understand and express ourselves

    • how we understand and interpret what others say and do

    • how we handle challenges and regulate our emotions

    • how we maintain and develop social relationships

    With EI tools, you will be able to communicate more effectively, establish healthy assertiveness patterns, strive for a victor mentality, and take on a new identity as an inspired leader.

    Improved EI through EI coaching will help you transform your career, develop your relationships, connect to your “why" and, at the same time, markedly improve your personal and professional lives. In recognition of the importance of EI, I have chosen to become and to call myself “a personal and professional development coach.”

  • Therapy focuses on healing an emotional or behavioral problem, or dealing with a disruptive situation. It tends to concentrate on the narrative and the past.

    Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on heightening your functioning so that you can achieve excellence. Coaching can also be therapeutic and healing, but that is really a side effect of the process.

    Consulting differs from coaching in that it assumes you do not have the answers. The focus is on providing solutions, transferring knowledge and training to solve a specific problem.

    Coaching, on the other hand, assumes that you have the resources you need, and it helps you to access them and learn new tools to sustain your motivation and connect to your inspiration.

    During coaching, we will define what excellence means to you. Then we will amplify your existing potential to reach your career and relationship goals. By focusing on developing your EI, a coach can

  • According to Coaching with the Brain in Mind by David Rock and Linda Page, Ph.D. “Once it fires, it wires!" New discoveries in the field of neuroscience are being made every day and some of the most exciting are those that involve the phenomena of “neuroplasticity.” ”Neuroplasticity” is the ability to rewire our brains at any age. Coaches take advantage of “neuroplasticity” and other mechanisms in order to help their clients bring mindful attention to creating new habits and beliefs and, thus, form new neural pathways. For example, when a coach and client try out new perspectives, a set of neurons fire together. This wires a new pathway, a new neuronal connection that can be reinforced with repetition. With homework, inquiries, and support, the coach helps you to reinforce this new pathway in the client until it becomes automatic, integrated, and embodied.“

    Coaching is highly valuable to anyone who wants to change and is willing to work towards their new future. The way you change your current reality is by changing the way your think, process feelings and act. Thus, coaching plays the role of a catalyst in creating your desired future and holding you accountable to get there.

  • Some people think that only athletes or CEOs of the top multinationals use coaches. This is not true. Anyone and everyone can benefit from personal/professional coaching. When you want to improve your personal and professional lives you need an expert who will challenge you to raise the bar and empower you to achieve more than you ever expected. This expert can help you to leave your comfort zone and explore your genius zone, identify your wants and hold you accountable to welcome required changes.

  • For a three-to-six-month commitment, the cost is $400 per 60-minute EI session, usually scheduled weekly or bi-weekly. It includes two EQi-2 assessments: one to measure your current EI level in the beginning and another one to measure the boosted EI level at the end of your coaching journey. Once you complete 25 sessions, you will be qualified for one of my monthly subscriptions with a discounted hourly rate and life-long access to InLight Coaching’s resource library of articles and infographics.

  • Some people will work with a coach for three to six months. Others will benefit from a longer engagement. How long coaching lasts depends on your goals, commitment to grow, openness to be challenged and ability to live your life from the position of “there is no box at all.”

    If all this is something you are interested in, then I'm looking forward to meeting you and helping you boost your EI to achieve your career transformation or relationship development goals or make your mark in the world. To find out how coaching will make you feel, how it will get you thinking, and how it might change your current reality, get in touch today for a free 30-minute consultation.

  • I have some lovely, heart-warming testimonials on my website, publication of which was approved in advance by my clients. However, except for these testimonials, I guarantee your privacy. In keeping with the ICF Code of Ethics, what we talk about and what we do in our sessions remains strictly confidential.

    If you would like to leave a testimonial, anonymously or otherwise, I’d be thrilled, but you are under no obligation to share any part of your coaching experience.

  • Example#1: I recently worked with a VP of Customer Success Management who wanted to replace his controlling communication style with a more genial, influential one. Initially, he wasn’t aware that communication starts with attentive listening but soon learned about the three different levels of listening that can create a transactional, positional or transformational communication. Then he explored the behavioral patterns of his communications. As a result, he identified the passive and aggressive elements of his communication style that often had unintended impacts on his relationships with others. After he was able to abandon these and become focused on having more transformational communications, he was able to devise several concrete steps that transformed his controlling leadership communication into a truly influential one.

    Example #2: I worked with a VP of Business Development on her life-work balance issues. During our first session she exhibited a great deal of stress, which I was able to learn was because she was feeling overwhelmed and burned out. With our coaching, she learned that stress creates a great deal of energy and can motivate us for a while, but is not sustainable. The eventual result is lack of energy and burn out. Even during our first session this client realized that the value of a proper life-work balance didn’t even appear on her list of her five main values. Subsequently, she remedied this by creating a road map which would honor this value and provide the necessary architecture to make it a permanent part of her life. Specially, she designed an alliance with her boss and her team so that she began voicing what she needed from others and her own needs and wants were honored. As a result, as a first step in realizing her values, she took two weeks off to replenish her energy. Once she came back to the office, she implemented her road map and "raised the bar” for her reports by actively challenging them. Also, she began delegating more work and used the results to better connect her reports with their potential and increase their engagement.